• Dec. 17 to Dec.18, 2015, Na WEI was invited by Robert Stern, dean of Yale University School of Architecture , for final reviews.

    2015年12月17-18日,魏娜受到耶鲁大学建筑学院院长Robert Stern先生的邀请,回母校做特邀评委。

  • Nov. 18, 2015, WHY Design Hotel & Resorts designed by Na WEI is officially open.

    2015年11月18日,由魏娜设计的WHY Design Hotel & Resorts正式开始对外营业。

  • Oct. 20, 2015, Bamboo steel model from Elevation Workshop was brought to Lanzhou andexhibited in Beyond Architecture International Itinerant Exhibition.

    2015年10月20日Elevation Workshop的竹钢模型——“悬”随着建筑之外国际巡展来到了兰州。

  • From Oct. 19 to Oct. 31, 2015, An illustrated public voting assessment of Brick ByBrick--Five Elements Competition was started by Elevation workshop, in which 48,941 people tookpart.

    2015年10月19日-31日,Elevation Workshop发起了 “一砖一瓦——金木水火土竞赛”图文并茂的大众评审投票,共有48941人次参与。

  • Oct. 1,2015, As one of the invited architects, Na WEI attended Building Beijing BrickBy Brick event, a large-scale public interactive activity started by People’s Architecture Foundation and LEGO education headquarter in Denmark.


  • Sep. 29, 2015, NaWEI attended the forum of Havinga conversation with architecture masters, Robert Stern and Yansong Ma, held by Yale Center in Beijing.


  • Sep.26, 2015, Na WEI, as the curator of Design For Children, once again set foot onthe blue carpet on the opening night of 2015 Beijing International Design Week.


  • Sep. 24, 2015, Na WEI, as a guest, attend the opening ceremony of Architecture China1000 Exhibition with honor.

    2015年09月24日,魏娜作为嘉宾很荣幸地参加了当代著名建筑及艺术评论家方振宁的 “建筑中国1000”展览开幕活动。

  • Na Wei accepted the CBS This Morning interview in ELEV office.– Aug. 2013


  • Na Wei accepted the Binfen SPACE interview and published on it, Vol.173, p92-97.–Jul. 2013


  • ELEV (Elevation Workshop) just finished a courtyard renovation project in Beijing.–Jun. 2013


  • ELEV just finished a high-end children’s playground in Beijing. –May 2013


  • ELEV published an article on ARCHDAILY about the Yading cliff hotel. –Dec. 2012


  • ELEV日照市城市规划展览馆设计竞赛获奖方案在中华建筑报“2010年最建筑”活动中被评为“最阳光的建筑”。_2011年9月。

  • Na Wei published an article about design thoughts on TIME+ARCHITECTURE, Vol.118,p68-73. –Feb. 2011


  • Na Wei and Christopher Mahoney accepted the interview from CHINA CONSTRUCTION NEWS inELEV office. –Dec. 2012

    ELEV创始合伙人魏娜和Christopher Mahoney接受中华建筑报的采访。_2010年12月。

  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on SPACE &ENVIRONMENTAL GRAPHICS(Japan), p186-188. –Dec. 2012

    ELEV为某女装品牌设计的时装店发表在杂志《SPACE&ENVIRONMENTAL GRAPHICS》(日)186-188页。_2010年12月。

  • ELEV published an article about the project in the design competition for Rizhao UrbanPlanning Museum on DESIGNBOOM. –Mar. 2010


  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on HOME REVIEW(India), Vol.9, p50-55. –Feb. 2010

    ELEV为某女装品牌设计的时装店发表在杂志《home review》(印度)第9期,50-55页。_2010年2月。

  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on FRAME, Vol.72,p80-81. –Jan./Feb. 2010


  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on A+A, Vol.30,p46-50. –Jan. 2010


  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on MODERN DECORATION,Vol.174, p48-53. –Jan. 2010


  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on CAN, p204-209.–Jan. 2010


  • ELEV published an article about the project in the design competition for Rizhao UrbanPlanning Museum on ARCHITIZER. –2010

    ELEV在日照市城市规划展览馆设计竞赛中获奖项目在设计网站Architizer上发表。 _2010年

  • ELEV has recently won the third place (no first place was selected) in the designcompetition for Rizhao Urban Planning Museum. – Dec. 2009

    ELEV在日照市城市规划展览馆设计竞赛中获得三等奖(一等奖空缺)。 _2009年12月。

  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on DOMUS PLUS, p4-8.–Nov. 2009

    ELEV为某女装品牌设计的时装店发表在杂志《domus plus》4-8页。_2009年11月。

  • Christopher Mahoney has published an article about working spaces on INTERIOR DESIGN,China, 2009-10, p61. – Oct. 2009

    Christopher Mahoney关于工作空间的文章发表在《INTERIOR DESIGN》中文版,第2009-10期,61页。 _2009年10月

  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on MARU (Korea),Vol.91, p100-105. –Oct. 2009


  • Na Wei published an article about design thoughts on Urban Flux, Vol.9, p78-80. – Sep.2009

    魏娜关于设计随想的文章发表在《城市 空间 设计》第9期,78-80页。 _2009年9月。

  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on DESIGNBOOM. –Aug.2009


  • ELEV published an article about a Women’s Clothing Store Design on DEZEEN. –Aug.2009


  • ELEV just finished a Women’s Clothing Store Design. – Jul. 2009

    ELEV为某女装品牌设计的时装店项目已完工。 _2009年7月。

  • Na Wei gave a lecture in the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). – Mar. 2009

    魏娜在中央美术学院作讲座。 _2009年3月。

  • Na Wei has published an article about Immaterial Process Exhibition Design on UrbanFlux, Vol.5. – Jan. 2009

    魏娜关于数字建构展览设计的文章发表在《城市 空间 设计》第5期。 _2009年1月。

  • ELEV gave a lecture in Pearl River Foreign Investment Architecture DesigningInstitute. – Nov. 2008

    ELEV在珠江外资建筑设计院作讲座。 _2008年11月。

  • ELEV gave a lecture in South China University on the uses of new digital fabricationmethods in architecture design and education. – Nov. 2008

    ELEV在华南理工大学作讲座,题目为新数字制造技术在建筑设计和教育中的应用。 _2008年11月

  • ELEV has its object ‘Quilt’ exhibited in 798 Space in Beijing. – Oct. 2008

    ELEV的作品“Quilt”在北京的798时态空间展出。 _2008年10月

  • ELEV has just completed an exhibition design for Architecture Biennial Beijing 2008.–Oct. 2008

    ELEV为2008北京建筑双年展完成了部分展览设计。 _2008年10月